Welding Projects
Low-distortion and low-energy laser multi-layer narrow-gap welding to produce large-sized and thick-walled steel structures (VE-MES)
Funding body: Saxon State Ministry for Economy, Labour and Transport
Funding number: 100320711
Duration: 14.08.2017 – 29.02.2020
As part of the project, in cooperation with Fraunhofer IWS Dresden, BANG Kransysteme GmbH & Co. KG and ANTARES GmbH, a novel and largely automated laser beam multi-layer welding technology for the production of thick-walled (15 to 100 mm) large assemblies for crane and heavy steel construction is developed using a high-power diode laser.
The subject matters of the development are the low-distortion welded construction, the heat-minimized welding technology, an industrially suitable welding head and a process, and component-tailored laser protection device.
Development of a new processing head for laser-assisted plasma welding (LuPS
Funding body: Saxon State Ministry for Economy, Labour and Transport
Funding number: 100189174
Duration: 01.01.2016 – 02.02.2018
The subject matter of the SAB supported research project in collaboration with Fraunhofer IWS and TU Dresden is doing research into a new type of laser-assisted plasma welding process in a coaxial arrangement.
As part of the project, the scientific bases for the development of a coaxial plasma laser torch are supposed to be developed, and the procedural advantages of the laser plasma process needs to be analyzed, especially the options to substitute the expensive laser power with plasma power.